We Art

We measure the DNA of your art

InsightART is revolutionising the art world with next-generation x-ray imaging technology previously available only at the cutting-edge of particle physics research. Our mission is to safeguard the world’s artistic heritage with state-of-the-art tools designed to assist art restoration experts and to unmask forgeries.

Based in Prague, InsightART was launched in 2018 and is a subsidiary of the company ADVACAM—a NASA-certified supplier and developer of patented WidePIX single-photon processing detectors that grew from Medipix chip research at CERN.

InsightART’s 2D and 3D RToo x-ray scanners are equipped with customised WidePIX detectors fitted with smart pixels that measure the wavelength of individual photons. This advanced technology enables us to capture a previously unseen level of detail with far less noise, sharper contrast and much wider dynamic range than traditional x-ray imaging techniques.

InsightART is the only company on the international art authentication market today using scanners with single-photon processing detectors. No competitor can match the level of quality and information that we provide.

Our interdisciplinary team of scientists and art restorers are expert at scanning and analysing a wide range of fine art objects. This includes not only two-dimensional paintings but also three-dimensional objects such as sculptures and statuary, furniture and archaeological artefacts, using custom-built robotic arms developed by our sister company, Radalytica.

InsightART’s game-changing technology and expertise give you unmatchable insight into the essence of your artwork. We provide art collectors, auction houses and museums with a powerful new front-line defence to mitigate the risk of forgery and safeguard investments. For art restorers and researchers, InsightART brings a high-tech tool kit to assist you with the preservation and restoration of artefacts by providing an unprecedented level of information about the inner composition of fine art objects.

Thanks to the extreme sensitivity of our patented scanners and our expertise in providing superior-quality outputs and analysis, we are confident that InsightART is the future of art authentication.

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